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Friday, August 27, 2021

What is Java Swing?

 What is Java Swing?

    Java Swing is the java API that can be used to develop more interactive GUI application than AWT in platform independent manner. Swing was added in JDK 1.2 as a part of javax.swing and its subpackages. Swing and JavaBeans allow the GUI builder to write code for you as you place components onto forms using graphical tools. This rapidly speeds development during GUI building, and also allows for greater experimentation and thus the ability to try out more designs and presumably come up with better ones. Java Swing is one of the java library which makes the programming of an application easy  to code. In my opinion the java swing library is easy to learn.

Swing is reasonably straight forward, even if you do use a GUI builder rather than coding by hand, the resulting code should still be comprehensible. this solves a big problem with GUI builders used before swing, which could generate unreadable code.

Swing is  a big library, but it's designed to have appropriate complexity for the task at hand; if something is simple, you  don't have to write much code, but as you try to do more complex things, your code becomes proportionally more complex.

Example of swing:

Most Swing applications will be built inside a basic JFrame, which creates the window in whatever operating system you're using. The title of the window can be set using the JFrame constructor. The simple programming code for the Swing is given below:


import javax.swing.*;

public class FirstSwing{

    public static void main(String[] args){

        JFrame frameNumber1 = new JFrame("Hello My First Swing");


        frameNumber1.setSize(350, 150);



setDefaultCloseOperation() tells the JFrame what to do when the user executes a shutdown maneuver. The EXIT_ON_CLOSE constant tells it to exit the program. Without this call, the default behavior is to do nothing, so the application wouldn't close.

setSize() sets the size of the window in pixels. 

Last the line frameNumber1.setVisible(true);  is done to make the window visible to you. Without this, you won't see anything on the screen. 

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