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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Write a program with class calculate that ask user to enter two numbers and any of the operators: +, -, *, / and % and perform the task accordingly. For example if an user enters numbers 2 & 5 and operator '+', a program should add 2 to 5 and display 7 as result. Use switch statement to make a selection among operators. Assume appropriate data members and member functions. With output and explanation.

 here's an example program with a class named Calculate that performs arithmetic operations based on user input:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Calculate {
        double num1, num2;
        void getNumbers() {
            cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
            cin >> num1 >> num2;
        void add() {
            cout << "The sum is: " << num1 + num2 << endl;
        void subtract() {
            cout << "The difference is: " << num1 - num2 << endl;
        void multiply() {
            cout << "The product is: " << num1 * num2 << endl;
        void divide() {
            if (num2 == 0) {
                cout << "Cannot divide by zero." << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "The quotient is: " << num1 / num2 << endl;
        void modulo() {
            if (num2 == 0) {
                cout << "Cannot calculate modulo with zero." << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "The remainder is: " << fmod(num1, num2) << endl;
int main() {
    Calculate calc;
    char op;
    cout << "Enter an operator (+, -, *, /, %): ";
    cin >> op;
    switch (op) {
        case '+':
        case '-':
        case '*':
        case '/':
        case '%':
            cout << "Invalid operator." << endl;
    return 0;

In this program, the class Calculate has five member functions: getNumbers(), add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide() and modulo(). The function getNumbers() prompts the user to enter two numbers and reads them from the standard input. The other four functions perform the corresponding arithmetic operations on the numbers and print the result to the standard output.

In the main() function, an object calc of the class Calculate is created. Then the user is prompted to enter an operator. The switch statement is used to call the appropriate member function based on the operator entered by the user. If the user enters an invalid operator, a message is printed to the standard output.

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