This blog is about providing theory as well as simple executable codes of different programming languages such as java, C, C++, and web programming, etc. This blog will be helpful to the IT students to learn about programming.

Showing posts with label advantages of inline functions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advantages of inline functions. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2023

Define function prototype. How function overloading is achieved? Mention advantages of using inline function.

February 27, 2023 0
 A function prototype is a declaration of a function that specifies the function's name, return type, and parameter types. It is used to inform the compiler about the existence of a function before it is called in the program.Function overloading is achieved by defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists. When a function call is made with a particular name, the compiler determines which function to call based on the number,...

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