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Monday, March 13, 2023

Define a struct named Currency that has rupees and paisa as variables. Write a function called addCurrnecy() that takes two struct Currency variables as arguments, add those and display sum.

 Here's a C++ program that defines a Currency struct and includes the addCurrency() function:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Currency {
    int rupees;
    int paisa;
void addCurrency(Currency c1, Currency c2) {
    Currency sum;
    sum.paisa = c1.paisa + c2.paisa;
    sum.rupees = c1.rupees + c2.rupees;
    if (sum.paisa >= 100) {
        sum.paisa -= 100;
    cout << "Sum: " << sum.rupees << " rupees, " << sum.paisa << " paisa." << endl;
int main() {
    Currency c1 = { 50, 30 };
    Currency c2 = { 20, 75 };
    addCurrency(c1, c2);
    return 0;


Sum: 71 rupees, 5 paisa.


  • The program defines a Currency struct that has two integer variables - rupees and paisa.
  • The program includes the addCurrency() function that takes two Currency struct variables c1 and c2 as arguments. Inside the function, a new Currency struct variable sum is created to hold the sum of the two input variables.
  • The rupees and paisa values of sum are calculated by adding the corresponding values of c1 and c2. If the paisa value of sum is greater than or equal to 100, it is reduced by 100 and the rupees value is incremented by 1 to account for the extra 100 paisa.
  • The function then displays the sum of the two input currencies using cout.
  • The main() function creates two Currency variables c1 and c2 with initial values, and then calls the addCurrency() function with these variables as arguments.

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