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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Difference between Swing and AWT java GUI packages. Explain Swing Components along with example.

 Swing and AWT are two different Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) packages used to create desktop applications with graphical user interfaces.

AWT stands for Abstract Window Toolkit, and it was the first GUI package introduced in Java. It provides a set of classes to create a user interface, including buttons, labels, text fields, and other components. However, AWT components are platform-dependent, which means that they have a different look and feel on different operating systems.

Swing, on the other hand, is a more advanced and modern GUI toolkit that is built on top of AWT. Swing provides a set of lightweight components that are entirely written in Java, which makes them platform-independent. Swing components have a consistent look and feel across different operating systems.

Here are some examples of Swing components:

  • JButton: A button that performs an action when clicked.
  • JLabel: A non-interactive component that displays a text or an image.
  • JTextField: A text field that allows the user to enter a single line of text.
  • JTextArea: A text area that allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.
  • JCheckBox: A checkbox that can be selected or deselected.
  • JRadioButton: A radio button that allows the user to select one option from a group of options.

Here's an example code that creates a simple Swing application with a button and a label:

import javax.swing.*;
public class MySwingApp extends JFrame {
    private JButton button;
    private JLabel label;
    public MySwingApp() {
        super("My Swing App");
        button = new JButton("Click me!");
        button.addActionListener(e -> label.setText("Button clicked!"));
        label = new JLabel("Welcome to my app!");
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    public static void main(String[] args) {

This code creates a JFrame (a window), adds a JPanel (a container for components) to it, adds a JButton and a JLabel to the panel, and sets up an ActionListener on the button that updates the label when the button is clicked. The main method starts the application by invoking the constructor of the MySwingApp class on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT), which is required for Swing applications.

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